This one was definitely seeded, it quickly downloaded for me. Showing just 2 leechers at the moment.

There are a lot of factors that go into successful connections.

Have to be sure you're doing all you can, especially in making sure your ports are forwarded properly and working. (An analogy of sorts is when you're having a bad day because literally everyone you meet that particular day are assholes. Sometimes it might not be them, but you.)

Your next stop will be your ISP. It can throttle your internet. Then you have all the nodes along the way. When your connection goes through any countries, that can affect things as well, and so on . . .

Not every torrent or connection will take the same path either, so one gets to enjoy the variety there too.

A good torrenting session is like a bowl of marbles, when each and every marble is able to touch at least 3 or 4 other marbles. Add water, oil, mold, insulation or other problems and someone is going to lose their marbles.