Gay men wanting equality, yet not giving it in return.
As an example, see the comments in this torrent - http://tracker.gaytorrent.ru/details.php?id=13804
I've already said some in the comments on that torrent, but I shall say this. How can gay men expect equality when some gay men are just as discriminatory as straights? I find it really offensive that gay men, surely having their human rights violated throughout their lives, should have heterophobia? It's beyond belief, IMHO.
As a 100% gay man, I think EVERY sexuality should, as a right, be totally excepted and considered equal by society (as long as it does not harm others, I STRESS!)
A gay man showing disgust at hetero sex is not sending the equality message whatsoever. I'm certainly not disgusted by hetero sex. I wouldn't have even been born if it were not for hetero sex (and my mum is a mother in law due to me having a civil partnership with my b/f, and she loves it - she's a mum in law either way - she's a true modern thinker).
Are you fucking kidding?
You basically just posted about an issue that has never been solved and can be applied to the African American Agenda, the Mexican Immigrant Agenda, the Gays, Straights, the Transexuals, the Female Right Agenda…
if all of THOSE categories of people were discriminated against, why do they still talk shit about their oppressors?
What pisses me off the most about your post is not that you are wrong, per se, but that you would dare to generalize the gay community by saying: " How can gay men expect equality when some gay men are just as discriminatory as straights" Now to defend you, you did say "some"... but on the same token... you say how can gay men, as in the whole community, expect equality when some... blah blah blah...
It seems you are trying to incite some sort of internal revolt... so what... we, the gay men who do not hate on straights, need to go and ostracize our gay brethren that do? That because of those gays that talk shit they are ruining our image?
You talk like the gay community is split into different sub groups... "The non straight-shit talking gays" and "the talking straight-shit gays".
I know African American's that talk shit, about white people, to my face... I am white.
I know other African American's who have heard those same African American's that talked shit to my face, and have stood up and said "yo dude, chill out, why you talkin' shit like that? Do you know how ignorant you sound?"
I know Lesbians that go to gay pride marches to protest "the man" and talk about how human males opress women and they should be put down like dogs...
I know other Lesbians that go to work in a coporation, with a suit, under a CEO and other various Managers and they smile and attend dinner parties and assimilate themselves their whole lives.
My real point is this: you cannot go and make a statement like this post without thinking things through.
I am gay, I am a male, and I do not hate anyone.
I DO HATE straight sex, I hate seeing vagina and I am disgusted by it.
Straight people do not have to look at gay sex, and on the same token gay people DO NOT have to look at straight sex.
There is no bigotry or hatred or discrimination in this... it is just basic civil rights.