You have to distinguish between two things:
1/ The number of **.**torrent files you can get within a gliding 24 hours window. Those increase with the minimum ratio, the ratio you are above the minimum, the own uploaded torrents still listed and finally the amount of donation. This is controlled by the site frontend. The calculation is described on the "Rationator" page and the result shown on your Profile page.
(Remark: own .torrent files, already downloaded (green background listed torrents) and Freeleech torrents are not count)
That is not simultaneous downloading, which happens in the torrent client:
2/ The number of torrents "Downloading" data files by the torrent client simultaneously being with the tracker. This is controlled by the tracker backend. The limits are described at the "Downloading Rules" and depend on upload amount, ratio, user status (User or Pwer User and above) or being donator (limit = 100), unless being in download rights gracetime or download rights taken (limit = 2). With downloads rights taken, only "Freeleech" can connect to the tracker as downloading.
My first answer was regarding this item 2/ and here the "Donator" (star) status will be kept as long as the account exists, i.e. the account life time. Some members try to create multiple accounts and when caught don't keep the account on which they donated, that is why I mentioned the "account lifetime".
Many data files downloads complete very quickly, so even with a limit of 2 here, more than 2 can be completed within 24 hours usually. However some bad seeded can take weeks to complete and block a precious slot. If the allowed number of torrents downloading data at the same time is exceeded, the tracker will send the "bad ratio: x torrent limit" style message to the torrent client.
(Remark: for the tracker all torrents which have not completed the download off all the files listed in a torrent's file list are count as downloading, even if the files selected for download are completed and seed. The uploaded data will of course be counted correctly towards upload).