I'm very sorry if I missed any requests as I am more than eager to get everybody interested invited to the group and make this project a success. As I'm very busy with everyday life and keeping the Google group running smoothly I haven't been able to come back to gaytorrent as much. Please email me at [email protected] and tell me the email address you used to sign up for google+ for the fastest possible response to an invite request as lately I only occasionally check my inbox here.
The only criteria is to have an interest in gay wrestling, a willingness to share your files with others, and a bit of patience as I finish putting the final touches on the group. We have a nice group of members with varied interests and I'd love to add anyone of like mind to the group. So again if I have overlooked your requests whether posted here in the forum or in my inbox I sincerely apologize and ask that you send me a request to the email address and I will have you invited as soon as possible.
Thank you for your time and understanding