Dmitry averyanov
There is stuff from several sites that I'd like to share, but each time fewer sites make download available. You can only stream.
Some years ago I remember I could get the video link inside the source code page and/or the inspection tab. However, the websites' structure has become more complicated now and they're better at hiding the media, so I can't find the videos anymore. How do you get the videos?
Even so, you guys upload here videos from sites whose download option has been disabled. How do you do this?
@lololulu19 Is back?
I thought they'd been taken down by Chaturbate. Their page was offline. Goods news it's back!
I think Recurbate is such a good idea because Chaturbate has indeed many breathtakingly hot performers, but who is brave enough to watch a 4.5-hour show with barely no content?
So they must've realized that, and allow anyone to record the videos (for free) or download them from Recurbate (paid), so you can skip the 95% of the videos' boredom.
But if you're into duos/couples, I think you should give up Chaturbate. There's simply no action at all! It's the most boring, unappealing and pointless thing on Earth!
Some solo performers, on the other hand, do render genuinely hot moments once you edit out the boring parts. A few of them even have a fairly portion of their shows worth seeing. Anyway, there are those models who, no matter how sexy they are, they're helplessly dull and tedious.
DMCA POLICY AND PROCEDURES section is for copyright owners that wish to make a takedown request, isn't it?
The part that mentions "Abuse", as I understand, has nothing to do with how many torrents have been removed for copyright infringement.
I couldn't find any rules stating that having many takedowns will cause you to have your "upload privileges" revoked for 90 days.
Hey guys!
Yesterday, I tried to upload a file via QTM a few times, but after all the torrent creation and images uploading was completed, the app simply didn't make any torrents at all, and the "upload" button then became enabled again for clicking, as I hadn't clicked on it the first time...
So I decided to upload it manually, but when I clicked on the "Upload" option on the website, it showed me the following message:
"Due to our receiving a multitude of takedown requests regarding material you have uploaded, your upload privileges are hereby revoked for 90 days."
I wasn't even aware of such rule! I've had "a multitude of takedown requests" many times after uploading several files by the same studio (sometimes by totally different ones) in a short period of time.
Anyway, I'd never been suspended because of this before. I haven't posted anything against the rules, they're all only DMCA takedowns...
Has anyone else ever had this issue?
Thanks a lot for the options.
I used to use It's good, but doesn't allow you to make more than 10-12 thumbanils at a time...not to mention it fills your taskbar up with codec files.
When I comment on someone else's page, the "edit" option shows, but when I reply comments on the page of torrents I uploaded myself, there's only the option "report", like I'd report myself haha.
When I add a comment to a torrent's page, I can't edit my message after posting it or delete it. Is this function disabled by default? If not, please tell me how to do this because it sucks to be unable to fix a simple typo!
Liberals don't tell to release rapists. The legal system is rotten in every state and country either it is conservative or liberal… What you said is nothing but a fallacy politicians use to deceive the public opinion. It's a simplistic judgement from lazy people.
I could as well give you many general misconceptions about the conservatives that are not generally true: they're selfish, racist, homophobic, ignorant, violent...
If the more humanist liberal view might, to a certain extant, impair the law enforcement by being too "soft", the conservatives might jeopardize the criminal justice system as whole by being unnecessarily tough. Also, they're prone to safeguard the white upper class, giving them mild sentences compared to the black defendants. Let alone the brutality the poor and the minorities are vulnerable to...It's so sadly common to see conservatives use the freedom of religion excuse in order to overlook hideous crimes! At least a liberal would have a hard time doing it.
Is there a way to download streaming videos from the HTML source code/inspect element? Some websites, like OnlyFans, are easy-peasy, but most of times, even though I go through the code source, I just can't find the video. Anyway, I suppose the precious link must be hidden somewhere. If someone with more advanced programming skills could help me, I'd appreciate it.
I know there are screen recorders and stream video downloaders, but the working ones are all paid… :cry2:
Mexicans have nothing to hide. They enter the US illegally because they're denied visas and that can happen for many reasons: The applicant seems to be to poor enter the US as a tourist. The applicant is believed to already have family within the country, which means he may be planning to stay…Work visa/permit, on the other hand, is even harder to get. It depends on labor demand, if the applicant's education fulfills the current demand, if the they've got an employment contract prior to applying...As you see, there are many reasons why an immigrant has their entrance denied other than a criminal record.
The only accurate thing you said is that America didn't start slavery.
Why does Alveda King support the Republicans? That one is obvious! She's very religious and closed-minded. Oh! She's also a hypocritical, after all, she's had abortions and has been divorced.
Yes! On the one hand Trump employs gays and illegal immigrants, but on the other hand, he says they're dangerous to the country and must be expelled. Can't you see it doesn't make sense? He declared war to the minorities not because he hates them himself, but because his voters expect that, since they're frustrated people willing to blame others for their own failure.
The Republicans and Democrats have found a niche to exploit: Trump will stand up for the poor who hate themselves. The next Democrat candidate will stand up for the poor who hate the rich. Both kinds of poor are frustrated, but the target of their frustration is different: The Republican whites are too good and too proud to fail, so when they can't get the job they want, they blame it on the latinos. The Democrat whites think the businessmen live at their expanse. The religious and rich people tend to align with the Republican, obviously.
You say Mexico is the second most dangerous nation in the world and I'm the one who wants to believe bullshit here? Trump statics cannot be more accurate than all the other Analyses around the world. Mexico doesn't even make the top ten in any of the reviews that I've researched.
It's you who don't have the knowledge to refute my arguments. Why don't you refute them like a true scholar? Because you can't. You haven't done that once.
I study languages and make a living as a translator. So, yes, I know something about etymology and I can recognize a serious language research. We don't know what the early Nahuatl was like prior to the 16th century, and without a proper reconstruction, no honest scholar would claim to prove that the two languages are related. Resemblance is not enough. If you believed that Chihuahua and Shivava are related only because they look similar, I'm sorry for you.
Given that we can't see how the Mexican language evolved, the option left is comparative reconstruction. We take the later form of the languages, and by comparing the features they inherent from their ancestor, we infer the traits that the proto-language possessed. it's a way to prove relatedness. However, I insist; evolutionary/diachronic comparison doesn't work in this case.
The book just isn't feasible, you can tell by the title. Anyone capable of a critical analysis and willing to compare the facts will see it is loose material, at least.
No. I showed arguments why I think it isn't possible. Once dates don't match, I've found no DNA analysis and the language comparison that you provided is too little and general, I thought no further arguments were needed. If mere comparisons were enough to prove something, how many writers wouldn't be scientists?
Before you copy "facts" from a book and paste them here, please think it through.
Did you believe Da Vinci Code as well? ;D
I've googled "India Once Ruled the Americas" and it is nothing but a laughable fairy tale! Only an untrained reader will buy his loose views.
The peoples of Americas couldn't have developed a completely different culture across the continents between the 15th and the 19th Centuries. Had Americas been populated by "Indian rejects", the languages spoken there would still be close to the Indian Languages. Once we're talking about a recent period, many aspects of the Asian culture would have remained to this day. They would be flagrant and obvious. This book is a fraud.
The Indus Valley Civilization dates back approximately to 5500 BCE. The Asian peoples crossed the Bering Strait from 23000 to 9000 BCE. Thus, it's not possible that India ever ruled the Americas.
Many words are alike, but they don't necessarily share a common root. Scholars have proposed that Japanese and Korean belong to the Turkic language family. They show some similarities, indeed. However, the earlier forms of any related languages must be closer than their modern forms, and that's not what happens when we compare Japanese and Mongolian, e.g. Their evolution shows different morphosyntactic patterns.
Once we can't know how Nahuatl evolved, it's not possible to realiably compare it to Sanskrit. Moreover, according to what I have read about the Aztec language and Tupi syntax, both are very different from Sanskrit's. Did the author even use phonology reconstruction?
DNA analyses suggest the indigenous peoples of Americas have Siberian roots.
If you like theories, see the new hypotheses based on more recent DNA studies which proposes that the indigenous peoples of America have Australian and Polynesian background. It also claims that Clovis wasn't the only paleoamerican culture.
That's why so many Mexican and Latin words are SANSKRIT - like Chihuahua Desert. ShivaVa - Shiva's Temple. It's because Columbus confused us.
Man, you're pathetically insane. Sorry I bugged you trying to have a rational conversation…
Why force the world to adopt your belief system? You're no God. Isn't that the same as the religions do? How are you different? Are you becoming that which you detest the most? The answer is resoundingly simple: yes. You've become that which you despise. Maybe focus more on making the gay community appear more accepting, as it claims to be, of inclusion and diversity - instead of exclusion of those who disagree, and have a right to do so. The gay community has become vicious and ruthless in general when it comes to the same crap they argue against.
There's no such thing as belief system. We're just looking for the quality of life that heterosexual people can have, and the only way of achieving that is fighting for our rights. We don't want to make them act and live as we believe, all we want is that they stop meddling in our lives. That's all!
Religious people are the ones who force the world to adopt their belief. We don't want to forbid anyone from working on Saturdays, we don't want to force any woman to wear a hijab, we don't knock on anyone's door asking for donation for our movement, we don't circumcise our children without their consent…
I agree with you on the exclusion within the gay community, though. Prejudice, too. Some even use race filters on online daters
This is not a point of view. The Human Rights state that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights, and it wasn't through submission that we achieved this universal consensus. Your right to speak your mind ceases where my dignity begins. Once it is unlawful to insult people because either you'll say words that aren't true or you'll hurt them; it is unlawful to say that gays are filthy, nasty, perverted, etc., because once it's not true, you can't say it. You might claim that if you believe it, it's true to you. However, if everyone starts imposing their beliefs, the world will become a chaos, that's why you have to prove it before you say it.. You call it dictatorship; I call it equality. Dictatorship is not about being unable to act like you want, it is about having part of the population acting like they want, and the rest sucking it up.
I do wish everybody were able to speak their minds at will, but that would cause the world to fall apart. People are forced to do things all the time and there's nothing wrong about it. If I'm using a priority seat, I'm forced by law to give it up to the elderly and disabled, even if I think they're in better shape, and that's because most citizens agree that my right to be weary must not come before people with difficulty standing up. It doesn't matter, in this case, If I think that a middle-aged man who worked all day deserves the seat more than a retired man who spends his time in front of a TV. The same way, I may think I have to the right to treat people like I want to, but the majority says I don't. That's why we have the Human Rights. Again, it's not a point of view.
Of course stepping back is an important daily life strategy, but you must resist. Had the blacks moved out every time their neighbors mistreated them, had they accepted to be thrown out of every bus and given up every job; they might have been exterminated from the Americas.