I wanted to say that you can still use QTM to create torrents. after you click "upload torrent", the process is finished and nothing happens(the torrent doesn't appear in your torrent client) you just go to "my torrents" page, see that the torrent was actually created, just has zero seeders, click download and after the client checks your torrent it starts seeding it and the torrent appears on the front page. just make sure that the address of your torrent file in the client matches where the file is in your computer
Posts made by forthepaul
QTM is still working... kind of
RE: Vanishing torrents ...
I'll add a little correction. it's not exactly the freelech - ing torrents that are targeted. If something from years ago is just freeleeching it's safe.
It's the BUMPED up torrents that receive the death sentence. You know the ones that now have the recycle icon next to their names, appear on front page and have the original upload date underneath them.
The sad ironic thing is the bumping up and freeleeching happens when there is usually lack of content. there is lack of content because like 70% of all uploads are deleted now. But once the old torrent are bumped up to the front they are also deleted.
So in this rate the website will delete everything by the next year if this doesn't stop. Only mediocre chaturbate videos will remain and all the good uploaders will leave. -
RE: Vanishing torrents ...
Also it seems that the goal is to delete everything on all fronts. If the torrent is on Top torrents page - deleted, if it is from like 5 years ago and is freeleeching - deleted, if it's posted in fan sites category -deleted. very soon no one will be able to post anything.
By the way the whole deleting time is 8 - 9 AM USA western coast time. This is usually when everything disappears -
RE: Vanishing torrents ...
Woooow didn't know that problem was this bad. In fact looks like a sabotage. Some torrents that I uploaded got bumped to the front page today and are freeleching currently. Guess I should be waiting for a "dmca takedown" any minute now, for a 2 year old torrents, a content creator of which left online presence years ago and doesn't care.
This is in fact a problem as someone is just triggerhappy and is removing everything, randomly. Previously I thought it was just to keep fan sites stuff to a minimum now it seems that someone wants to make sthe site obsoletesad
RE: Vanishing torrents ...
I hope that Christmas miracle is actually coming because it's getting as bad as last year at this rate. Everything is getting terminated not only FS stuff. Old studio torrents from like 2016, 2015, 2014 that are reposted and are able to be freeleched are also getting deleted. You can't upload anything new and old stuff is also getting terminated(after freelech timer is over). Soon the site will become hollow. No one is sending a copyright claim on a studio porn that is on every website to view online anyway (and some of those studios no longer exist). If this goes on, the site sadly will be on a self-destruct mode in no time
RE: Vanishing torrents ...
a thing about a torrent being deleted after being on the Most popular Torrents front page. It's a whole other thing that has been going on even longer now and I'm surprised no one brought it up until now. Maybe they didn't notice that pattern yet, deserves a separate thread on here.
So here's another observation: It was kind of going on from August. If your Torrent gets to the most popular torrents list it is basically guaranteed to be deleted with a DMCA takedown, like 90% chance. Even if it's not the usual type of torrent that gets terminated. Like studio stuff from Cockyboys and Men or SC that has been consistently uploaded here. If they appear on top torrents list they usually stay there for a week, maybe slightly more but after that, when the moment comes when they usually disappear from the list to give space to newer torrents, it is deleted completely. If someone reposts exactly the same torrent the same day and it won't get on the list it will most likely not get deleted. Sometimes when ancient torrents from like 2014 or earlier get reseeded and appear as new on the page, if they get on the Top page share similar fate, definitely no one actually cared to report those. Before it was like a wall of honor but now it's like a spotlight to get deleted. The funniest one was when someone posted 4 pages from legit Batman comics when there was nudity, it was on Top page but in like 2 weeks vanished, I'm sure DC publishers aren't searching for 4 pages of their 40 pages comics on porn sites. This ordeal started before the fan sites content purge. Stuff from popular studios is posted as usual and will stay if they won't get on top page. This is either a weird automated glitch or another cleaning tool that went out of control. -
RE: Vanishing torrents ...
Well, it's the first days of December and this thing is sadly still going on. Exactly a year ago at this time it was all hunky dory and new torrents were added like usual. Shame. Dunno what happened that time, what miracle stopped it, maybe it was an actual strict mod that got tired of working, or actually a disgruntled user, like some people around here think it is, and he was found and deleted for trolling. But it's definitely a person, no way that it is all actually sent DMCA claims from real representatives. I say it because the way stuff is deleted is kind of random, almost like a person is picking and choosing. The goal is not to delete all OF stuff but just keep its quantity to a minimum. Like if 10 torrents are uploaded to fan pages category back to back, 8-7 will be deleted but some will remain. Smaller torrents that only contain 1 file in them are not 100% safe but have higher chance of staying. It's kind of different from last year where the vibe was to eliminate everything that was posted in a FS category ever, going from newest posted to oldest. But I guess that would've cause the downfall of a site and render the category useless. Here there is a visibility that you can still post without being deleted. The fact is that the CRAZY purge of last year was gone by now, while this new more SUBTLE purge is still going on.
Reeeealy hoping that this is not a new status quo and an unnamed policy, and after some Xmas miracle we'll return to normal. I mean we did have 9 calm, unproblematic months of peace right. -
RE: Vanishing torrents ...
I don't know about 5 years but here are my observation if it's helpful. something like this happened exactly a year ago and if followed similar pattern. somewhere in early September of 2021 there was a similar wave of torrent takedowns. In fact it was kind of worse, looked like a full on purge of fans content. it gained traction through autumn and people then noticed it too, you can probably find that thread. Just like now it got really bad through November, when torrents sometimes disappeared minutes after getting uploaded. The dialogue on the forum was similar to this one, some newer members were confused, prophesized the end of the world to the site, theories about bots sweeping this place, also dominant theory was that it was an actual person, no one was actually sending those DMCAs, but it was a specific mod tasked in controlling the situation. some user even theorized that he was an American living on a west coast based on the patterns and timings of deletions. An interesting development happened on American thanksgiving weekend, the crazy takedown wave suddenly stopped as if it never was. People in the thread theorized that the mod was having a thanksgiving holiday and will return after the weekend but nothing happened. I remember being quite happy after seeing the first torrents of December 2021, OF content and rips were posted as usual, and weren't taken down the very next day, the fan sites category wasn't targeted anymore. For some time I thought that it was too good to be true but no for a year everything was back to normal, from December all the way to September 2022. I started posting again after hiatus carefully categorized content, with description and everything. When the similar wave started now I was hoping there would be a similar pattern and it will all end in the end of November, my prediction almost came true when after this thanksgiving weekend the takedowns stopped and lots of OF content was posted in the last three days. But nope, this Monday the strict takedowns resumed. The last time everything turned nice again in the first day of December, if the situation will continue like this then I don't know. If this will be a new status quo of the site that would be a bummer, because after uploading terabytes of stuff I guess I will take a more passive role. This is all I remember about last years wave and my observations. There were of course always some studios that weren't allowed here, but nothing like this. Hope this is not permanent and December would be calmer.
RE: Quick Torrent Maker messing up the pictures
This glitch seems to have been fixed this week
@john32123666 I'm logged in with both sites ru and rent. sadly QTM hasn't been updated since 2018 so it only links up with the gaytorrent.ru address on it's login screen, there are no other options. Maybe the old address in QTM is what's causing the glitch?
Guess the manual upload is the way from now on but I'm just interested if the QTM thing will get fixed in near future. It was so much more comfortable, easier and quicker than manual upload.
Also this error didn't appear in the first week of domain name change. -
Same issue here also
it takes like 5 attempts to upload without the "Upload Failed" message and even if it does either there are no pictures or they are duplicated several times over from previous upload attempts(or 1-2 pictures in total get posted). It's been like this for a week, kind of frustrating, wonder what's causing it for some but not for others.