Don't. I didn't do it myself (despite being probably hairier than you: you know, the kid in the class who started shaving daily at 14? That was me. Hell, I even have hairs on my fucking shoulders.
Anyway, I also thought about permanent hair removal, and just the prices made me choke. Just checked the prices at a local clinic, and… Just the lower back is 100$ for ONE session. It'll probably take around five sessions. Even heard some extreme cases of a dozen. And once you started, you probably won't want to stop since it, like, become permanent in patches. So between sessions, you'll have patches of hairs sitting there and being even uglier. I'd prefer spending 500$ to get a PS4 tbh (I'm 19 too, dunno about your budget, but I can't really afford spending that much money for such a little change.)
So my advice is to wait. I recently started going out with a guy who absoluterly loves my hairs - all of them. Didn't think it was possible. It made me realize that when it comes to hairs, we're probably more self-conscious than our partners...
I hope I was clear, since English is not my first language, but I really related to your story, eheh! Please don't go all grammar-nazi on me.