Hey everyone:
I'm currenting using deluge on my NAS to DL/UL from this awesome website but I have a few technical questions that I cannot find answers in the forum and google
- (Since I have not used the QTM to upload any file from my library) So is any torrent I got from this website automatically disable DHT, PEX, LSD, etc and does Deluge(mine is ver1.3.15 from linuxserver/deluge on Docker) strictly follow the rules of not using any DHT, PEX, LSD for those torrents?
- If they automatically block connections others than peers from the trackers, so could I enable the DHT, PEX, LSD, etc on my Deluge so I can download public tracker torrents on this same client?
- I attached my settings pics down there, is the encryption setting correct for this private trackers torrenting and would it be correct for public trackers if the answer for question 2 is yes?
- is my cache settings a good number for minimize the stress on my mechanical hard drive since I enjoy the maximum downloading speed of my cable (DL:230Mbps/UL:11Mbps)?
Thx for any helps on my questions