I actually do speak out against anti-white prejudice and hatred. However, there truly is no such thing as anti-white racism. Say if I were in a position of power to deny you an employment opportunity because you are white and I indeed denied you of that opportunity for that sole reason and you found out and had proof that I did it, I WOULD BE RIGHTFULLY FIRED IMMEDIATELY. The other way around, it would pretty much depend on where I am in the US and what kind of proof I have. For you most likely, your word would be enough for the company to investigate me and I'd ultimately be fired. For me most likely, I'd have to have video or some other form of documented evidence just to get the investigation started to get you fired. In an extreme case I'd have to contact the EEOC and take it federal. And even if you do get fired, you'd end up employed somewhere else WAY quicker than I would. FACTS (please do research) state that white men without even a high school diploma get FAR more employment opportunities than black men with COLLEGE DEGREES. Do you see the difference?
Another thing, white pride is not the same as black pride in that black pride is the result of so many black people in the US not knowing their direct ties to Africa due to slavery. Most white people can celebrate German pride or Irish pride because many know for a fact that they're Irish or German. Well, Africa isn't a country. It is a continent with many, many diverse cultures and many of us do not know which one we belong to unless we come from a lucky family that documented everything or if we do expensive genealogy tests. White pride is pride in what exactly? I'm sure you know what your heritage is if you're white. So you want to be proud of the fact that you're white without celebrating what your actual heritage is, such as French or Italian? Black pride isn't black skin pride, it's black CULTURE pride. We have had to create our own culture within America that is unique (for better or worse) because of our slave heritage. Black pride is our way of saying we are proud of who were are, we celebrate that heritage (good and bad, because we all can agree slavery was bad and complex), and in no way is black pride synonymous with anti-white. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. believed in black people having pride in our heritage. Are you saying he's wrong? How come white people always cite him when trying to combat black people but fail to realize he himself was a black man who was proud to be black and was murdered by a white man?
So to make a long post longer (lol), no, black people cannot be racists. We can be prejudiced against white people, which is absolutely wrong and should be discouraged, but IT IS NOT RACISM. Racism is more than just words or actions that can be quickly reprimanded, it is a belief and a construct. I DO NOT BELIEVE WHITE PEOPLE ARE INFERIOR TO BLACK PEOPLE. I have never believed it and never will. I also said that I believe white racists, who are consciously racists and aware of it, are a very very small minority of our population. Our systems never changed and as a result, we are giving those people TOO much power. We need to start having realistic conversations about REAL RACISM such as denying people of color REAL housing, education and employment opportunities the way we do white families. Why are white people given better loans for housing and businesses, better chances with education with better schools and more qualified teachers, and better employment opportunities with sometimes less education than blacks? We need to have realistic conversations about the policing and state-sponsored murder of black bodies. We need to have realistic conversations about the causes of black on black violence, which are directly tied to a) the constant depreciation of black lives and b) the lack of importance shown to black people about that constant depreciation. Until white people are ready to have those conversations, we need safe spaces to get ourselves on the same page without white people trying to divide us more than they already have. Either you can add to our conversations with realistic approaches and FACTS or stay out of them, hence the need for the safe spaces.
"A new poll suggests that Americans, including black Americans, tend to think blacks are more racist than whites or Hispanics". http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2013-07-10/news/ct-oped-0710-page-20130710_1_racist-blacks-whites
No such thing as anti-white racism? In 2013, a black was six times more likely than a nonblack to commit murder, and 12 times more likely to murder someone of another race than to be murdered by someone of another race. Also, in 2013, of the approximately 660,000 crimes of interracial violence that involved blacks and whites, blacks were the perpetrators 85 percent of the time. This meant a black person was 27 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa.
I'm sure none of those 561,000 attacks on white people were racially motivated, or that _they _were the racists and got what they deserved.
And who is denying people of color homes, an education, or jobs? I would think since we have a black president and attorney general, they would want to get to the bottom of this apparently rampant discrimination.
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