over 70 months of job growth and this took a great deal of effort in the first four years of Obama administration. Yes Obama had some very bad policy decisions, too many to name, but economics can not be changed in 2 or 3 months. This nation is a ship that can't be turned around as if it were a speedboat. We don't have any idea what will happen under Trump because he hasn't done anything other than appoint some cabinet window dressing. Most of the deputy and under secretaries have not even been appointed yet. They are the people that have the educations and abilities that will actual allow changes to be made. I am hopeful because not too much ever changes in "the Swamp" with out a huge amount of political capital which Trump may not be able to amass if he keeps lying.
Oh and btw, when Bill Clinton left office the nation was enjoying a prosperous tide with a financial surplus of over $800 billion. Facts they make a good argument even better.