hi guys
anyone know about mud wrestling sites (video or clips)? or a good mud wrestling tumblr accounts?
hi guys
anyone know about mud wrestling sites (video or clips)? or a good mud wrestling tumblr accounts?
i found it!
Here it is… in all its fucking loveliness.... So hot.....
A very slim chance. I have been meaning to sort something out for ages. Never got a round to it
hehe i'll be cheeky and say i will do the sorting for you if send it over to my email hehehehe :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
I can recommend it if you are a vintage enthusiast.
I was a member for a while, collected a complete set of Champion magazines (plus others) and dozens of physique movies. Good value
hehehe any chance you might share those magazines here? :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
I saw this vintage muscle collector's site called timinvermont.com…. Does anyone got access to this site? Hit me back!!! :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
It is on another (invite only) site. I can't PM you as your security settings don't allow
security settings? I checked my profile settings and it says Allow PMs [X]Accept all….
Is there another tab for security settings? I click my username above and click Profile Settings... but i dont see security settings
Little help?
Username: donnie88888
Email: [email protected]
I heard a dance music type of song that goes "suck my cock" repetitively… anyone knows that title of the song? Believe me, i already googled that lyrics and got stuck
I found this song that has the lyric "suck my dick, lick my ass"
hxxps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GeLw1iFoXhoand many more for you to work your way through:
hxxp://www.lyrics.net/lyrics/suck%20my%20dickand report back here if you find the one
The frank sinatra song is quite catchy…i like it. The one i heard has no other lyrics except those 3 words sung by a husky voiced man... a bit techno... and sounds very seductive and gay... very good for gay fuck sessions...
I heard a dance music type of song that goes "suck my cock" repetitively… anyone knows that title of the song? Believe me, i already googled that lyrics and got stuck hehehe
there's one vid floating around with twins fucking each other… they look very soft and dainty, so half of the time its not as arousing as the peter twins doing it on the sofa wearing black and white thongs. I could try to find it from my hard drive and share it if someone asks nicely (and trade back something kinky too hehehehe)