Hi! As a very new uploader, I have already uploaded files here. I wanna when to continue seeding and when to stop seeding torrents that have been uploaded already.
Any comments or replies are very much appreciated.
Hi, and welcome to the world of uploading. Other members here appreciate what you're sharing.
The uploading rules say that we should continue seeding a torrent until "three or four" people have downloaded it. Depending on the size of the torrent, your connection speed, and other mysterious factors, that could happen in less than an hour. I consider the following factors when deciding how long to keep seeding:
Is it seeded enough that other people will be able to download it? While the rules say to keep seeding until three or four users have the material, those users could stop seeding, and the torrent would die if I'm not there. I tend to keep seeding for at least a week or so to make sure that somebody's there to seed the material.
How many users are leeching the material? If there are still several people downloading through my torrent, I keep the torrent active so they can get the files, and I can get some upload credit. If the number of leechers falls to zero (which happens to almost every torrent after a month or so), and it stays at zero for a long time, then nobody wants the material and there's no need to keep seeding it.
Do I need to free up space on my computer? If I'm running low on space, I might delete a torrent sooner (but only after three or four users have it). If I have plenty of space, it doesn't hurt to keep seeding.
Am I proud of my torrent upload? This is vanity…but if I really like my torrent, perhaps because it's my own rip of a DVD, or because of my carefully chosen screen shots, or because the description I wrote is worthy of a Nobel prize for literature, I will probably keep seeding the torrent longer. This doesn't hurt anyone.
Ultimately you will figure out what works for you, but perhaps these things will help you decide. I didn't mean to write a novel, but with cornoavirus quarantine, it's not like I have lots of places to go. Thanks again for your uploads.
Thank you so much for this. Though you think you wrote a novel, I actually appreciated how detailed it was, to help me decide if I should delete my current torrents.