As an example, Canada has 278% tariffs on American dairy products. NAFTA allows this and other tariffs against US products, this but prevents the US from doing likewise to Canadian products.
In line with your elegantly worded post, where in the fuck do you get your information from?? You're regurgitating talking points from FoxNews and Trumps twitter rants. You are obviously passionate in your stance, but your are basing those opinions on half truths and lack of understanding of foreign trade and plain lies.
Canada has something called "supply management"… you neglected to mention this in your rant, and since it is right dead centre in the Trump's milk fetish, your understanding of this dispute needs some improvement. Here's a primer since you obviously don't care to research things yourself (ie: google):
Canada allows US dairy imports. Canada has a quota system in place to allow Canadian farmers and US farmers and Mexican farmers access to our market. But Canada is unique in that they are protecting their comparatively tiny dairy farming industry from being overrun by the massive and surplus producing US dairy. There is a quota in which Canada dairy market is not producing or importing more than is necessary for the market. Hence the name "Supply Management"
US dairy is free to send their white gold north, UP TO A LIMIT. If they want to sell above their quota, they get the 241-270% tariffs (paid for by the Canadian importers). Trump wants to dump his industry's surplus north of the border without limits. Basically destroying Canada's tiny dairy industry. FUCK HIM and fuck his stupidity.
Why does the US has such a high surplus? well, you see, there was another trade agreement that the US dairy farmers were set to hugely benefit from...the Trans Pacific Partnership. Dumbass Trump pulled out, screwing his own milk farmers from a bigger slice of the Canadian market. So now that slice is going to other nations, and they are in-turn giving more access to their markets for Canadian dairy.
He made his dumbass decision to pull out of one of the largest multi-lateral trade agreements and expected these countries to agree to the exact same terms one-on-one? morons. The TPP was designed to exclude China and give Asian countries a viable trading partnership with western alliances. Instead he's basically propped up China's economy, creating lucrative trade agreements between the Asian countries and the Chinese government. That was a dumbass move which created such a shitstorm that he's been spending almost his entire presidency trying to fix (one-on-one, of course)...
here's something you also missed. its a biggy too:
US dairy exports last yr were about C$296 million to Canada; Canadian producers sold C$148.1 million in dairy to the US. That's almost a 2-to-1 U.S. trade surplus on dairy. So GFU with the bullshit 270% tariff crap. Get your facts straight. Here's a link to an article published by the Wisconsin dairy farmers (just in case you want to claim that my info came from Canadian propaganda, try again):