You mentioned he runs an audio production company that you also work for? I'm going to take a guess that you're both artists, or maybe one of you is. Artists are different types of creatures and I mean that in a good way. By nature, they are usually extremely focused when creating but also extremely sensitive. When the creative sparks are flowing (or a project deadline is near), whether in songwriting, producing or even engineering an artist can get so wrapped up into that moment, they lose sight of everything else.. including bathing, time, and eating!!!  :crazy2: That doesn't mean he doesn't care about you, that's just the nature of an artist, or anyone really focused and driven. On the other side, if you're an artist, you could be extra extra sensitive to how he works and take it personally.

Like 36605domtop suggested, communicate with him how you feel. I would do it from a place of love and concern and see how it goes.

Good luck!!!