I remember seeing this video OP. It reminded me of that Syrian refugee who groped 8 women in Australia while they were swimming and had a judge let him off saying boys will be boys and that his native culture confused him with the visages of bikini clad women. It illustrated two things to me, which have proved common to every story of this sort.
One. If your culture leaves you with a diminished capacity to understand consent you should never have been let in. Your presence is an active danger to women, gays, children etc. and if one supports pure open immigration they are not blameless.
Two, and relevant to your video. There will never be a shortage of left wingers to make excuses for this type of assault, you've already seen one here. Acknowledging the clear and present danger would be a little too much cognitive dissonance for them so they lie to themselves and say you must be channelling fake news. Same with the Idaho girl. 'Fake news'. Same excuses. 'His culture left him no choice'.
After the umpteenth story of an assault like this it's left me with little to no tolerance of left wingers who pull this shit. I used to be one. Until Rotherham. Until Cologne. You cannot call yourself for justice and turn a blind eye to this. If you do you're just a phantom of a liberal, and one beneath the respect of decent people.