I'm not sure if you've seen what's been happening in the United States lately with all the gay teen suicides, but there is a great video program in response called 'It Gets Better'. If you go to YouTube and search that term, you can see some really wonderful messages from people of all walks of life- some famous, some not. But it may give you some relief. I know firsthand how difficult it is when your family doesn't support you. When I came out, my parents told me I was going to die of AIDS and burn in hell, and they considered it their 'Christian duty' to save me from that. I spent many years fighting with them and going back and forth and back and forth. My father, actually, was able to come to terms with it, but my mother never has. She barely speaks to me and when she does it's always very general. "How's the weather?" kind of chit chat. Of course, I am sad about that, but it's her decision. And I've learned to make a life for myself and surround myself with people that care about me and would do anything for me. THAT is unconditional love, and you hope that your family can show it to you, but if they don't, you CAN find it. And you deserve it. We all do. Cheers!