bella domanda! partiamo dal fatto che sono uno che non sta mai in una posizione sola, di solito mi faccio mezzo kamasutra alla volta. pensandoci bene però credo di preferire posizioni diverse in base alla persona con cui sto. è una questione di intesa che si riesce a raggiungere in una data posizione. tenedenzialmente però preferisco le posizioni che mi permettono di penetrare profondamente
Latest posts made by hardatch
RE: Posizione preferita…
RE: I ragazzi rozzi vi eccitano?
no, sinceramente non tanto. certo bisogna che siano uomini, ma rozzi non so
RE: Have you ever been caught masturbating?
yes! my sister caught me, but i was very young, i was discovering masturbation!
RE: Wierd thing you and your partner do during sex?
if my friend's phone is ringing during sex I force him to answer. I like to see him trying to hide his pleasure while i'm fucking him!
RE: Sesso in pubblico
sinceramente proprio in pubblico no, non lo farei. mi è capitato spesso di farlo in luoghi pubblici ma in zone appartate, dove c'è il rischio di essere beccati, ma non la certezza! farlo sul prato di un parco in pieno giorno sarebbe solo esibizionismo e sfrontatezza secondo me.
RE: Seedpoints per tutti quelli che usano il forum!
bene, un motivo in più per stare nel forum!
RE: Sono nuovo! Piacere!!
ciao caro, benvenuto!
se ti serve aiuto per alzare il ratio inizia a scaricare i torrent freeleech. quelli non contano in download ma solo in upload. -
RE: Depilazione o un pò di pelo?
dipende dalla zona del corpo. i peli sulla schiena li trovo brutti. personalmente io mi depilo solo la schiena, sul resto del corpo i peli devono assolutamente esserci! per quanto riguarda il pube il pelo ci vuole, ma io lo accorcio. sappiamo che il sesso orale è più agevole senza una foresta di peli di mezzo!
RE: I think I might be gay, but I'm not sure. How do I know?
i totally agree too. i'm one of those who had to wait adulthood to understand. i was 21 when i discovered the fact that i like men, and it was after a 3 years relationship with a girl. it's never to late to know how you are!
RE: Coming out
hi guys!!!
i'm a new member of this community and i like it very much!!
i realized of being gay a little later than you, i was about 21 when i first noticed i was interested in boys. I had just ended a relationship with a girl that had lasted for three years, and when I started again to look around I realized that the boys made me a certain effect. i started dating with some guys, nut it was just sex, and I had not talked to any of my sexual tastes, until about a year ago, when I started an affair with one stuard (uniforms fascinate me a lot!) and I decided to talk about that with my best friends. for me it was hard to talk about but they reacted very well! in the months after I came out of the closet with other friends and now almost all of my friends know. all of them reacted very well and I am very happy to be able to talk to them openly without having to pretend.
the problem for me is to talk to my parents and my family. Now I'm 26 and I'm proud of who I am, I'm tired of having to lie and pretend and I am more and more determined to talk with them. the only thing that keeps me from doing it is the doubt of their reaction. they never made homophobic speeches or anything, in fact they have always shown respect towards homosexuals, but I fear that this behavior can be just a facade. probably I think these things just because I'm afraid of their reaction and in reality, things will be much easier than i think!
can you give me some advice on how to approach the subject with them?