I have and prefer uncut dicks… but my partner's is cut... it's... well.. interesting...
Same thing at me too ;D ;D ;D
I have and prefer uncut dicks… but my partner's is cut... it's... well.. interesting...
Same thing at me too ;D ;D ;D
Hmmm let's say about 22cm, thick one. Just one night stand :afr: :afr: :afr:
Hmmm Im in that kind of situation right now, or better to say, last 4 months when new colleague start to work with me in the same office. Never told him anything about it and when I thought I can deal with it ( Im even arrange him a date with women from another department) our chef came today and told us that next week we are going together on some seminar. We r going to be in the same room in hotel for 5 days ! :cry3: :cry3: :cry3: :cry3: :cry3: :cry3: :cry3:
I'm religious enough, believe in God and church, but not going every Sunday in church and not a big fan of priests.
I know that, but isn't it much better to see when he penetrate deep into him, then when he is fucking with just a "head" ;D
Really don' get it, watched few movies recently and in all of them guys fucking with just a 1/3 their dick size :ride:
For exapmple here in Chip&Heath in CM