Hardcoded, hard-coded or what?
Lovers of Gay Themed movies may have noticed that we try to provide some information in a standardised way.
Title in format:
<original_title>| <dubbed subbed_title="">| <english_title>(<year>)Dubbed/subbed-title if dubbed or hard subbed in with another language than the original
English title if different from original title or dubbed/subbed titleDescription first line:
<native_language_name>(<english_language_name>), … | subs: <native_language-name>(<english_language_name>), … <option>| <format>| <review_link>|_option = indication if subtitles are optional or not
format = digital file container format like avi, mp4, mkv, mpg, DVD5 for the movie file
review_link = to a review on the internet like IMDb, TMDb or wikipedia/i]As not native English speaker, I've a doubt how to indicate correctly that subtitles are "burned" into the image, i.e. part of the pictures and not optional. Is "hardcoded" or "hard-coded" correct English and is there a shorter / better term?_</review_link></format></option></english_language_name></native_language-name></english_language_name></native_language_name></year></english_title></dubbed></original_title>
Thanks, Popper, all that info is a great help. And I do like to know if subtitles are optional. Very distracting to watch a movie when the subtitles are in the language you're hearing
As for hardcoded, hard-coded (or even hard coded) I've just checked the Oxford English Dictionary and none of those appears, so the choice is yours.
I think I would opt for hard-coded - and I think any version is generally understood to mean "you can't turn the bloody subtitles off" !!
I don't know of a decent alternative
PS An added thought: if we post a themed movie would you like us to supply that info when we upload or leave it to you so that it's in a standard format?
The information needs to be provided by the uploader or if missing a member having downloaded the torrent's file(s). This includes to mention that a movie is English language, which seems for some uploaders that obvious that nothing is said, leaving a doubt. Of course if that format is respected, it will save staff some time and is appreciated.
It will as well be useful to provide optional English subtitles for an English language movie. These can be the base of translation into other languages or help to better catch the dialogues (especially for not natively English speakers).
Actually I try to give some seed bonus points on Themed Movies following this scheme:
100 points as basic, + 25 points if optional subtitles, - 25 points if hardcoded subtitles on a movie with a sound track I understand (English, German or French).
Gotcha, I think.
I'm all for _optional_English subs but it can be annoying watching a movie in English with hard-coded English titles. I suspect it's the same in other languages, eg, German movie with German subs.
But the optional ones also benefit any members who may have hearing problems.And I plead guilty to not always mentiong what language my uploads are… but as I'm a Brit, everyone will know they are English with Large Type subs coz we shout louder when people don't understand
How about using "H" and "O" or "H" and "S"
French | English H, Swedish O,
French | English-H, Swedish-S,
French | English (H), Swedish (S), German (S) |
On another point, do you really need to double your effort by putting things like: Français (French). To me, not seeing "English" is enough. I think you should save yourself that time.
Français | Deutsch (h), Português (s) | avi |
Français | Deutsch (H), Português (S) | avi | <–- I like the capital letters best, but lower-case involves fewer key-strokes.
That entry tells me there is no English...that's what I need to see. With the (H) and (S) present, you can even leave out the commas.
Français | Deutsch (H) Português (S) | avi |
For Dubbed, you could use (D)
Français (D) | Deutsch (H) Português (S) | avi |
Love you Popper!
Frankly, I am not in favour of the indications just by one letter like "(O)" and "(H)", because unless members read the Guides, Guidelines F.A.Q. or Rules they won't know for what that stands. I am thinking here especially to the majority of just downloading and seeding peers, less to the uploaders of own torrents.
What I am looking for a short words saying "optional" and "hardcoded", easy to understand without additional explanations necessary.
There had been started an internal staff discussion to simplify the language indication. It is on hold since the initiating moderator quit the team and might be brought to it's final conclusion when other more priority subjects.
Indicating languages in their native writing would at least shorten the indication.
Both your and bjk's suggestions have their merits, I'm not sure you're going to manage to reach/satisfy everyone.
Perhaps a compromise would be:
English |subs: French (soft) German (hard)|
French |subs: Tagalog (hard) |
If downloaders can't understand any of the suggestions, perhaps they should not be downloading foreign movies :giggle:
And there is absolutely no need to put the alternative languages in both English and the native language - even I can understand one or the other
And there is always the comment box if people have a query… OK, that's taking things too far