Something bad; but yet so fun.
I did something bad… I mean it doesn't feel bad, its just bad behavior. Maybe. About a week ago I got my first new smart phone, those with apps, droids and yeah a camera in HQ. I have this friend and he knows my feelings for him are strong and he knows that I wanna suck his cock, but he rather jerk off alone in the bathroom or toilet, everyday. He has that look upon his face and his body speaks a quiet languags when he wants too bust a load. A few days ago I got this silly idea to put my phone in the laundry basket, with the camera faced towards the toilet. I said "Yeah, so I'm gonna take a shower". Half an hour later I came back to check the recording. And wow a huge cock and a nice ass, a little bit of cum although he climaxed for a while.
What happened then; I now jerks off 6-7 times a day. I recorded two new videos and decided to put an end to it. But I can't. A solution is to get rid of my phone or simply just once in a while sneak a peak on my friends masturbating.
WoW thats actually very hot! I would love to see the vids!
What would your friend do if he found the camera or
that you filmed him? :closet: Is he gay or confused? I have taken secret video in public before,but I am in the video also.
I would not get rid of the phone,but just watch you don't get caught…..and let your friend know
you really want to suck his cock! -
Well I believe that you shoudn't really go into body language and that sort of things because even though straight guys bear the body language, they want you only when they want to get sucked and after it comes the abuse, as they would feel guilty. You can't really trust such guys..
I'm pretty sure that you would have to stick to those videos and after a month or so, you'd get over him as somebody else would enter your life.
@sockboy0 He is straight and he knows how bad I wanna such his dick but it ain't happening! He is jerking with his phone and swiping with the same finger as he hold his cock. The nerves really got me the third time, so I decided to stop the spying (for now). The third video is best; I can see his face and he's holding his cum for a while. Though, Sorry no video, I couldn't do that.
Thanks a lot for the cheering upYou know what? I'm already starting to get over the fact that we won't be together. It also means that I see less interest in him. Our friendship is kinda broken and we're not speaking. I just wanted him to show me a little bit of engagement. Now for all I don't really care about him that much anymore… and it makes me happy when he leaves/goes away, so that I can jerk of... pretending...
Well, it is still sad and I started singalong Maroon 5 - She Will Be Loved, etc.
Thanks again for the attention.
do the consequences of getting caught up worth it? and never ever think of uploading these videos, you might get in legal troubles.
and it got me thinking, if you say that spying on him is bad but funny, why dont you try to get him drunk and suck him, that would be bad but funny too and film it (read with irony)
Being caught is not a big deal I guess as he knows you are gay! But yes, you will get over him as the intrigue of seeing him naked, fantasizing him, desiring him is gonna just go smaller and smaller now as every material (sexual in this case) desire gets less wanted by the time you satisfy it.
I think now he is much less interesting to you from what you said, and if you had sucked his cock I think your relation would have gone worse.
You will be fine and find someone gay, though what you did was really intriguing and hot hehe.