Webchat/IRC /me command problem
When using a /me command from an IRC client, it is incorrectly handled on the webchat.
More specifically, when an IRC user uses the /me command, the ident string, instead of their nick, is shown.
For example:
nick!ident@some.isp.tld saying "/me jumps" shows up to webchat users as " ident: /me jumps" instead of "nick: /me jumps". This is obviously very confusing to webchat users if the nick and ident don't match.
Is it possible for someone to fix this? coughtomcough
Edit:Here are screenshots of the mentioned problem.
Also, although it didn't happen when I went back to take screenshots, no more than 5 minutes before I noticed this, the /me commands showed up like "ident: /me does something" instead of "* ident does something". Not sure if you fixed it that quickly or what