A bunch of cocks and a piss funnel.
I think this is probably my first post here. Anyway:
Do any of you know of a video here with a sub tied/strapped up and wearing a piss funnel for a few blokes ahead of being fucked by them?
There are a lot of pissing films but they mostly involve pissing at, rather than pissing in, the sub and with those that involve pissing in the sub the sub is generally spitting the piss out.
This is a genuine question. I hope my ratio and the length of time I've been here proves that.
Is this what you're looking for?
Either way, I know how frustrated you are. Every time I see a video labeled "piss drinking", it turns out to be a guy just spitting the piss out, which is lame. Real piss drinking videos are extreeeemely rare.