Thumbnails not showing at my end
In four recent seeds the 'hover' thumbnail says 'showing 1 of 10 pictures' yet when I go to the torrent page it is only showing one picture - the DVD cover.
Because there seems to be 10 pictures already no-one can post extra screenshots. Is it me ?
That is not a bug, but a feature ;D
OK, more seriously. There are (were) pictures waiting for approval by a moderator to become visible.
On at least 2 of the torrents, I've deleted them, because the uploaded pictures were below 180 px width or below 180 px hight.
The tumbnail preview of pictures below 180px in at least one dimension are resized to be at least 180px in all dimensions, non-proportional, making the thumnails looking strange and worse than the smaller original pictures shown when clicked on the thumbnails on the page.
May be I should change the announcement on the home page a little …
Thanks, Popper. Do you know just after I posted the question, I wondered if it was because the pics hadn't been approved.
I didn't know about the dimension requirements. Might be a good idea to post that… might save you a bit of work
Ahhmm, that picture "requirement" is rather a "bug", at least a not intended side effect of the removed picture re-sizing. So to find a nice wording is difficult to me. I am not a advertising texter
In the past our site system had a picture re-sizing to make pictures fit into a 1024x768 frame. This did work in two steps checking.
1st check: Is the picture wider than 1024 pixel. If yes, resize proportionally to 1024 pixel width and skip check 2.
2nd check: Is the picture higher than 768 pixel. If yes, resize proportionally to 768 pixel hight.
The second check and resizing lead to some longish pictures being re-sized smaller than the thumbnail previews, which are resized proportional to 180 pixel width, without hight limit …
at that time, smaller pictures (below 180 pixel width or height) were not re-sized to 180 pixel width or height ... now that happens.
Now there is no more resizing of the picture itself, but there is still a thumbnail with 180 pixel width generated. And that generation isn't optimal, now...
We always ask to upload "Please upload only BIG Pictures in GOOD quality!" with the smallest videos I know being quarter SD resolutions (320x240, respectively 352x288) and for these a 1:1 screen definition copy picture would be expected, which is still bigger than 180x180 ..., which then generates correct proportional thumbnails with 180px width.
I had no idea it was so complicated.
If I can add a screenshot, I make the thumbnails in Media Player Classic, add the result, you approve, I get a bonus point, I'm happy.
I didn't know that stuff going on in the background. My pics seem to be 1024 wide, I will check the height now.
So thanks
Every picture above 180x180 pixel will show fine. The picture won't be resized any more and the generated thumbnail preview picture will be proportionally resized to 180 pixel width.
The current issue appears if thiny pictures like thumbnails, for example 105x150 pixel are uploaded, because they will be resized to 180x180 for the thumbnail preview.
That happens since the earlier post described resizing was dropped.