Solved Straight couple fucking at the beach [He's a hot 40yo pounding her very good]
Some titles say that they're a famous influencer couple fucking in a french beach.
here's the video link, if interested: (
thank you for the attention and the cooperation!
@raphjd done! sorry english is not my language! i didn't know what a gear is
It is Romeo Nuova and his partner. He used to post these videos where his face is visible, but he has since then deleted all of them. You are very unlikely to find his stuff by searching for his name, he has been actively trying to remove everything.
Google "Romeo Nuova" nothing will show up about him, not even LPSG results.
There's still an OF page, none of these videos are there too. He has a second OF page with his partner, it is AnnaRomeo. There is also a PH page with the same name:
All his content now is hiding the face that he used to show unceremoniusly in the past. Some videos where his head is visible, there is a creepy filter turning him into someone else.
I downloaded a pack with his content back in 2022 in this link:
Today the torrent is dead, and I don't have the files anymore.
@ianfontinell-0 omg thank you so much!!!!