Germany: Covid vaxxers report more health problems, including (but not limited to) more covid
One can't make much of this study alone, because self-selection & self-reporting surely played some role.
The vaccinated were more likely to be older, have German nationality, to have higher income, to live alone, to have been taking more medications and to know someone who died of Covid-19 but no one who might have died after Covid-19 vaccination. Further, a materialist worldview was positively associated with the probability of getting vaccinated...the belief that mRNA vaccinations help humankind was a highly significant predictor of the probability to be vaccinated.
So: Older, weaker, White, lonely, rich Germans who live in bubble where covid vaxxes are perfect & wonderful - surely you know "the type" - were more likely to get vaxxed, and, more likely to complain of their health problems.
But, study tried to adjust for such factors & still could not escape 1 key conclusion:
a propensity score analysis accounting for sociodemographic variables...confirmed that Covid-19 occurred more frequently in vaccinated individuals (31% vs. 23%, p=0.103).