study: Narcissistic Grandiosity and Virtue Signaling Are Related to Greater Involvement in LGBQ and Gender Identity Activism
tldr; Lib activists are not necessarily violent psychopaths. But, they often are virtue-signaling, grandiose narcissists.
The dark-ego-vehicle principle (DEVP) suggests that individuals with so-called dark personalities (e.g., high narcissistic traits) are attracted to political and social activism that they can repurpose to satisfy their specific ego-focused needs (e.g., signaling moral superiority and manipulating others)...
...we sought further evidence for the DEVP by examining the associations of pathological narcissistic grandiosity with involvement in LGBQ activism (Study 1) and gender identity activism (Study 2).
Socioeconomically diverse samples from the USA (Study 1; N = 446) and the UK (Study 2; N = 837) were recruited online via the research-oriented crowdsourcing platform Prolific. Individuals completed the Pathological Narcissism Inventory as well as measures of involvement in activism. Moreover, we assessed different covariates (e.g., altruism), and potential correlates within the narcissism–activism relationship (i.e., virtue signaling, dominance, and aggression). In addition, we examined potential relationships between other dark personality variables (e.g., psychopathy) and activism.
In both samples, higher pathological narcissistic grandiosity was related to greater involvement in activism. As expected, virtue signaling was consistently involved in the relationship between pathological narcissistic grandiosity and activism.
However, neither dominance nor aggression was related to individuals’ involvement in activism. The results did also not consistently support a relationship between higher psychopathy and greater involvement in activism.
ps. Why it matters? Because USA just had long weird cycle, of people's 'official' preferences being mere performances.
Disconnected from reality, disconnected from people's own feelings.
It's what libs do.
Do you remember Brat summer? I remember Brat summer. It was genuinely amazing. One of the most bizarre mass psychological phenomena I've ever seen.
Before a clock-spring popped out of Joe Biden's forehead on live TV [ed: July debate], Kamala Harris was the least popular vice president in recent US history. There were a lot of reasons for this, but I think the big ones are these:
First, she was already deeply unpopular. 0% primary polls, remember, before she became the VP.
Secondly, she'd done absolutely nothing with the position except emit strange and incomprehensible bromides whenever she opened her mouth.
But as soon as she became the candidate, despite nothing about her actually changing, her approval ratings skyrocketed.
It turns out that all you have to do is tell the Democratic base that they ought to like someone and they'll just start liking her. [ed: or pretend to]