Solved "Unable to load. Torrent Contains No Piece Hashes"
I've never had this problem uploading before. I have no idea what any of it means. I've googled it and the forum answers are too technical and over my head. I've tried using different torrent programs, uploading different files etc and keep getting this error msg. Is anyone able to explain what I need to do but in a way that an idiot would understand? Thank you, Idiot x -
@willingmouth Hi idiot, download qbittorrent and see if it works
Usually it means that the file(s) you are trying to upload has a special character in it.
Use Roman alphabet only, A-Z, a-z
@kalayaan You were right! I checked the file names and they had @ and ! in many of them. I never thought to check just assumed the file names would be ok if they can be saved in explorer.
Thank you! -