Roughest Tops
Who would you say are the roughest tops in the industry?
Rafael Alancar is definitely up there along with Rhyheim Shabazz, Tim Kruger (when he's given a durable bottom), Igor from Machofucker, Koldo Goran and MuchoMas (Who seems to have vanished, come back MuchoMas!!!)
Share your really rough tops here. -
Tim Kruger making it to this list made me chuckle, he always looks concerned as if he left the keys in the front door.
I could say Austin Wolf but... Let's not
I'm left with:
- Teddy Torres (top or bottom he always gives his all)
- Romeo Davis
- Sir Peeter
- Buck the Bull
Some others that I am enjoying lately:
- Timothy Chance
- Mateo Tomas
- Braxton Cruz
- Micael Wilson
- Choloso
- Big Big Joey
- Alex Tikas
- Baby Bear
sexystache is anothe one butu he is makes a better bottom
Bo Sinn
Colt Spence
Ash DeLeon
James Deen (ignore the cunts)
Rhyheim Shabazz -
Tian Tao
Love lots of these names here, never thought of them as "Rough" but rather great tops and lovers.
Regarding Tim Kreuger sad to learn he passed away following an accident at home last week aged 44. Always loved Tims Tales