All the same…
Hi boys!
I am from Hungary,18 year kid!
I am so happy, that I found this side. Realy…
Well, the truth that I do not like the porn.
I downloaded two films yesterday, but than I said it, I do not like the porn.
Somehow slightly absurd for me, but may be that I am prudish.Yesterday I downloaded the Lucky Blue ...
Already today, I put an subscripton onto a Hungarian language. I am fastWould you be able to recommend normal films with gay themes?
We say it onto one like that I believed what help me his surface to coming out.In Hungary, unfortunately yet not opened totally onto the gay things.
Much-much rap, only. But you may be glad on the street, if do not beat into a head.So, I would films like gay themes,when the boys' awakening, they are homosexuals…
Thx, for all...
A Themed Movies szűrővel egy rakat meleg témájú filmet találsz, de max angolul vagy franciául, oroszul, de magyarul egyáltalán nem. Asszem egy kettő jelenet van amibe bele van égetve a magyar felirat, de semmi extra. Ide az emberek bohócot polírozni járnak
A háttér társaságnak viszont van egy meleg témájú gyűjteménye, biztos tudnak neked olyan meleg témájú filmeket ajánlani, ami szinkronosan, vagy feliratosan is elérhető. -
:thx: alexboy505 for your support in this post :bravo:
you're wellcome, i just tried to help, i don't know it was succesfull or not
He's no longer a member
but thanks for trying to help.