More fake right-wing outrage.
For fun
traditional Dionysus / Bacchus. (not blue eh?)
@blablarg18 Ok. So which diner at the Last Supper was blue?
@jaroonn Wow Fake Outrage, you are slow.
Reference is to additional aspects of controversy - to second photo I posted, or, to these (true) statements from @manrmen-0
The girl in the middle posted in her social media that it was. And she posted before the outrage. So when the outrage happened, she immediately deleted it and posted the feast of dionysius.
And dionysius isn't represented in blue skin.
Even then hardcore leftist pagans in reddit felt disrespected by the alleged blue skinned dionysius
Barbara Butch, the fat woman in the middle pretty much confirms its the last supper. Then backtracked when the outrage happened and went with the script of feast of Dionysius.
And there's no reason for Dionysius to be blue. He has always been presented as either bronze skinned or black as in mythology, he originated somewhere in the Nile.
Since you are slow, I'll spell it out even more
You idiot libs mocked Last Supper, not just paintings but what they represent ie. founding of Christian Mass
You idiot libs smirked & boasted on social media
When caught, you idiot libs backtracked (no courage eh?) & claimed oh no, it was Olympians - see, blue guy is Dionysus
which is obvious lie
1 further detail to show up lie, among many, is that traditional Dionysus was never blue
@blablarg18 said in More fake right-wing outrage.:
Since you are slow, I'll spell it out even more
You idiot libs mocked Last Supper, not just paintings but what they represent ie. founding of Christian Mass
You idiot libs smirked & boasted on social media
When caught, you idiot libs backtracked (no courage eh?) & claimed oh no, it was Olympians - see, blue guy is Dionysus
which is obvious lie
1 further detail to show up lie, among many, is that traditional Dionysus was never blue
So, since you are GASLIGHTING, I will ask you again. Who is the blue guy at the Last Supper?
@jaroonn Oh you're the one GASLIGHTING, Fake Outrage.
To wit: You're the idiot lib defending what you idiot libs did..... and yet....... you ask me what you idiot libs had in mind precisely?
Ask your fellow idiot libs.
@blablarg18 Checkmate.
@jaroonn No, Fake Outrage - this
is checkmate.