Biden's Approval Ratings Reach Record Low After Trump Verdict; Media Denies [Biden dementia]
Around 8:45, Glenn shows clip of Mika & Joe - they say how sharp Biden is & how those wicked Republicans confess His Sharpness in private. (except no Republicans don't)
Even more fun to think about libs who believe Joe-Mika-MSNBC propaganda.......... then accuse others who don't, of being..... ummmm...... propagandists.
Not Biden, but looks like him.
Of course, all the G7 "leaders" in trouble.
Meanwhie, President Trump rambles about showers:
Libs see that & think it's bad.
Hey libs - Here's what you miss:
Trump is a comedian
You can never copy him.... every time yall libs try to copy him, you look more ridiculous than you claim he is.
Obama guides Grate-Grampa after his brain freeze - classic dementia.