Leana Wen: one example of media fakery?
Remember Leana Wen? In covid, she was all over CNN, a top fear-spreader & masker.
I'm sure she is real person & doctor; but here's something weird.
Remember Boston Marathon Bombing 2013?
NPR printed an article about how super traumatic it was - by local, on-scene, front-line "ER doctor"...... Leana Wen.
Article reads like she wants to talk you into PTSD. Make sure you admire her, while bombard you heavily with language of fear & trauma.
CNN interviewed her around that time, for a video equivalent:
It views like an audition.
Jake Tapper, acts like he just met her.
Wow is she smooth. Even happy to be there. PERFECT makeup.
Hits same points & language as NPR article - like a script. Again she programs you to feel trauma.
To me, it feels creepy-fake. Like maybe she was on scene, but minor, only in the chorus - until CNN & NPR picked her out, decided to build her up & use her - to sell YOU "The News".
Now go to Leana Wen's Wikipedia page.
It brags on her forever - Baltimore politics, leader of Planned Parenthood, testified before Congress 4 times, CNN's covid guru, what a dynamo....... .................. ..............
.................but not a word about her high public profile over Boston Marathon Bombing.How oddly specific, for Wiki to forget that ONE thing.
Does someone not want questions?
Most of major media is scripted like this, staged, exaggerated, produced, maybe even faked. There to program you.
Boston Marathon Bombing today is almost forgotten. But in 2013 someone powerful, for some purpose, wanted you to feel Boston Marathon Bombing was Huge Deal.
They wanted you to feel traumatized. And, I speculate, they coached & hired a local medical resident (not full doctor yet) as talent. Which happened to be Leana Wen.
That's how they do "true journalism", folks. They hire crisis-acting talent, to program you with shared-traumatic memories & feelings. While they tell you 1/10 of story.
PS. Body language - one bit she got wrong - she shakes her head No - the whole time - something noobs do - noob at giving fake interview, I mean.
She prob saw like 1 bombing patient & scriptwriter gave her the "missing husband" story - Only my guess tho.
Point of her 2013 NPR article & her CNN "crisis" interview - in perfect makeup - is "Oh I'm traumatized & you, audience, should be traumatized too. Be traumatized. Also: Admire me, get used to me - You will see more of me, in some new crisis."
And that's how they psy-op you.
omg she's baaa-aack! CRISIS ACTOR shills her new panic - H5N1 - and its "solution", new H5N1 vaxx.
in covid days, Wen wanted HOME IMPRISONMENT for unvaxxed:
btw, her Boston Marathon clip looks so fake, becuz GREEN SCREEN.
YouTube vids, up in comment 1.
One vid is "11 years old" (2013). I doubt any crazed youtuber, -back in 2013-, would take any trouble to green-screen unknown Leana Wen.
Which means, CNN original is green-screened. CNN is that fake.
It's clever. People in background seem to point phones at her & Jake. So it's real, right?
But her & Jake's lighting & shadows, are way off. They fake-interviewed Green Screen, added sounds & background later.
So fake it horrifies.