Stay Woke
Apparently, it was also QuikRete, or a similar product, in that "it was only a milkshake".
Milkshakes don't cause the chemical burns he had after the incident.
I do love how you are supposedly against violence but downplay it when your side does it.
It's like how you claim to be anti-racism, even being against racism that targets whites, but insult whites who bring up racism against whites.
You are just full of shit.
At this point, you are just a troll.
@raphjd I didn't downplay it. I said it was wrong.
At this point you are just a grumpy old man who only hears what he wants to. Useless.
You say things are "wrong", then you jump to "What about black people though. You sound like a whiney white guy".
You aren't angry that your "true journalism" lies about white people at every turn, to demonize them and victimize non-whites. You simply don't give a fuck about the truth. You are a prime example of the 1619 Project in action. The narrative is more important than the truth.
Federal crime stats show that it's not whites committing "genocide" on non-whites, especially blacks. Blacks are committing murder at rates that far outweigh their portion of the population. When you compare inter-racial murder, blacks murder every other racial group at far higher rates than any other race.
Let's not forget that it's your profession that's indoctrinating young people into the hatred of white people and the west, based on lies.
Eric Clanton had many victims - and is Antifa-linked, ie. Woke as can be.
"Court papers later revealed that Clanton struck at least seven people in the head, according to authorities. One person received a head laceration that required five staples to fix...."
Remember when BLM burned down hundreds of cities across USA?
Here, they burn a police station in Oklahoma City. So Woke, so "beautiful"
@jaroonn Like I said: There's a million different instances. There's a LOT you'll have to say is "wrong", before we're done.
"I said it was wrong" - you'll be saying it a lot more.
"There are violent people everywhere. I don't condone it." - Sure you do - until & unless you are given no other choice.
If I weren't here to give you no other choice, you'd ignore-deny it - same as condone it.
Before, your tune was it "grows more beautiful every day". Remember? HAHAHAHahahah
You condone 400,000 people being killed in Ukraine just because UK-USA-CIA decide to party with literal Hitler-worshippers & cross giant Red Lines that were known for decades if not centuries.
In other words: You're bloodthirsty.
All Wokies or lib-extremists are bloodthirsty - because all Woke-lib policies come down to INNOCENT person getting burned or killed or cut up.
Only libs who aren't bloodthirsty are maybe - maybe - Useful Idiot or "normie" libs, who live in fake media bubble.
But even with them, question exists: how much of their ignorance & unconsciousness is by choice? - Maybe they're just very very good at free-riding on the Woke-lib extremists?
@blablarg18 said in Stay Woke:
UK-USA-CIA decide to party with literal Hitler-worshippers
You are a fucking idiot. Seriously. More Russian propaganda please, comrade.
It doesn't get more WOKE than this! What Wokies do to little girls, in name of "Trans".
@blablarg18 More of your ridiculous "evidence." Was that person Instagramming their surgery? lol
"Little girls"? That clearly is an adult's arm, and last I checked, elective surgery is no one else's fucking business.
You really are so easily conned. You really are an idiot.
@jaroonn Wow, you think it isn't done to little girls?
On purpose, I avoided pic of little girl because that could be too exploitative. BUT - yes: It's what you "beautiful" Wokies do to little girls also.
This is Woke: Open Borders, illegal - oops, "undocumented" "Newcomers"
Previously Deported Illegal Alien Charged with Murdering 25-Year-Old Ruby Garcia
Deported by.......... wait for it.......... Trump in 2020.
BIDEN REGIME WOKIES let this monster back in USA.
After he'd been taken care of, once already.
@jaroonn Sorry no blood shown, for your pleasure, in this one. Just innocence.
You can still get enjoyment. You can jack off to thought that innocence was murdered. You can also further erase & insult Ruby Garcia's life, just throw in a fake "FAKE NEWS" accusation.
You know you want to.
Back to Wokies who HAAAATE merit & excellence:
Back on Cultural Revolution - which, remember, is Wokest thing ever:
While most information about the Chinese Cultural Revolution is suppressed today by the Chinese Communist Party, one incident has leaked out, despite the party’s best efforts. At the peak of the hysteria during the socialist campaign, anti-socialists were killed, their bodies defiled, and then they were eaten in what have become known as “human flesh banquets”
This horrific phenomenon reportedly took place in the remote southeastern province of Guangxi. According to a manuscript obtained by AFP, a retired CCP cadre wrote that during the Cultural Revolution in Guangxi:
“There were beheadings, beatings, live burials, stonings, drownings, boilings, group slaughters, disembowellings, digging out hearts, livers, genitals, slicing off flesh, blowing up with dynamite, and more, with no method unused.”
In total, it is estimated that 100,000 to 150,000 people were slaughtered in Guangxi alone; women and teenage girls were subjected to public gang rapes and men were publicly castrated. The Cultural Revolution was particularly brutal in Guangxi because two rival military and civilian factions emerged in the province, each purporting to be the true revolutionaries fighting to defend Chairman Mao.
One faction supported General Wei Guoqing, the chairman of the province, and the other opposed him. The opposition faction was supported by Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai. These two factions then began waging war on one another, each receiving support from a civilian base in various parts of the province. Each accused the other of being counter-revolutionary traitors to Mao’s socialist ideals.
According to documents smuggled out of China by Chinese scholar Zheng Yi after the Tiananmen Square Massacre, local government offices had investigated the ritual cannibalism in the 1980s and knew what had happened there. The New York Times reported in 1993:
“At some high schools, students killed their principals in the school courtyard and then cooked and ate the bodies to celebrate a triumph over ‘counterrevolutionaries,’ the documents report. Government-run cafeterias are said to have displayed bodies dangling on meat hooks and to have served human flesh to employees.”
“The incidents reported from Guangxi were apparently the most extensive episodes of cannibalism in the world in the last century or more. They were also different from any others in that those who took part were not motivated by hunger or psychopathic illness. Instead, the actions appeared to be ideological: the cannibalism, which the documents say took place in public, was often organized by local Communist Party officials, and people apparently took part together to prove their revolutionary ardor.”
In 1993, journalist and scholar John Gittings visited Guangxi and spoke to a local who knew of the killings some 28-years earlier. The local told him, “We ate more people than anywhere else in China.” (The Guardian, Nov. 27, 1993)
Like I say: 'Beautiful' Wokies thirst for human blood.
Endless wars......... abortions..... crimes..... jailings of non-criminals....... & at the extremes, political-ritual cannibalism.
Woke: Evolving Toolset for Bigots.
Joy Reid comes to mind
USA Dems come to mind
switch from their historical anti-Black, to anti-White anti-Jewish & anti-Asian