Liberal woman said I hate women
NOTE: I'm assuming its gender, based solely on its look
Late week I was in a FB "debate" with a liberal woman. It was as expected, with lots of lies and gaslighting.
The most interesting thing is that she said I hate women because the women I respect, are not women she respects; therefore, I hate women.
She denies being a man hater, but she constantly posts man-hating posts. She also says that hetero sex is rape.
It should be no surprise that her simps and cucks were just as bad, if not worse.
@raphjd Rush Limbaugh coined a name for such women... "Feminazi"
Lure her into the topic of abortion - and she will start with the mantra of "It's healthcare for women!" then hit her with "infanticide" and "you hate children!"
in some countries - especially in South America - teenage boys are encouraged to engage in gay sex, as a method of reducing the number of teenagers having babies. I tell people that you can still get pregnant via anal sex, however the baby will grow up to be either a cop or a lawyer.