Danielle Smith, Premier of Alberta, Canada, is the first major elected politician in the world to issue a heartfelt apology to the unvaccinated for crimes perpetrated against their human rights by the government during Covid lockdowns
Shocking apology, especially coming from Canada.
@raphjd Wow she goes for the moral issue: coercion, segregation & discrimination.
The community that faced the most restrictions on their freedoms were [the unvaxxed]... fired from their job, or not allowed to watch their kids play hockey, or not allowed to go visit a loved one...not allowed to go get on a plane...or even travel across the border. So they have been the most discriminated-against group that I've ever witnessed in my lifetime, that's a pretty extreme level of discrimination... we are not going to create a segregated society on the basis of a medical choice.
Too many just do "If we knew then what we know now" type apologies, reflects downfall of the vaxx, BUT, suggests their own hateful, evil actions would have been OK - if only vaxx had been better products. Wrong.
Even if vaxx worked: coercion, discrimination & segregation was still morally evil.