Upload By uTorrent
Is it possible uploading a torrent file in this platform by using only uTorrent? If it is possible than how? please help me.
absolutely Yes ...
@ top left toolbar click on file select > Create New Torrent ...Enter : http://tracker.gaytorrent.ru:2710/announce
Select Source - destination folder
Add file - single file
Add directory - multiple file / Folder
uncheck - start seeding
check - Private torrent ...
choose - Create ...
when done select the small torrent file created by your client ...
download the small torrent here ...
find your path location ...
when 100% check, your file start seeding
until someone downloaded ... -
I've used this process myself for a hundred or more uploads.
Note that the "Trackers" window will show http://gaytor.rent:------- to reflect the new site domain.
Be sure to follow all of @john32123666's other recommendations, like unchecking "start seeding" which seems to be a default. Leaving that one checked can cause issues.
I know I join with other members in looking forward to the material you share on here.
Although I have not done it yet, I am told that it can be done. Of course you have to include the TRACKER and your KEY. I am not sure how images or descriptions or categories get attached. Perhaps AFTER the torrent shows up on this site, you can ADD those things later by editing the torrent. The last few times I attempted to use QTM, my torrents failed to complete the "backend" process.
I HAVE successfully used Utorrent to create torrents. Oddly, you do not even HAVE to specify a tracker (which is kind of scary since you have no control).