"Go-Green" is a hoax - more proof
An electric bus being charged by a diesel generator.
You may have, also, seen the video of Kamala's beloved electric school buses being charged via diesel generators.
@raphjd Somehow, this does not surprise me. Different parts of the world have different abilities when it comes to being able to provide energy, particularly electrical. In a country like Canada for example, a lot of our energy comes from running water such as Niagara Falls, which is why we call it "hydro" (short for hydro-electric), and we are able to produce more than enough to sustain the charging of such vehicles in large numbers throughout the grid. In other parts of the world such as California, their sources for the energy are both more reliant on sources that are not so "green", and don't have the capacity needed to be able to produce enough to sustain the extra load, so other means of generating that electrical energy are needed, such as we see here. I do agree though that on the most part the whole "green vehicle" thing is nothing more than an unsustainable lie designed to make certain big name people somewhere a LOT of money and in fact has NOTHING to do with the earth, environment, or even what is right.