Download Manager versus Torrent Client Question
I am someone who used Lime back in the days of America On Line and have used P2P sites so I'm familiar with the whole process.
But I am guessing - if I am understanding the whole process in this forum/site correctly, my refusal to want to download, much less refusal to want to use a torrent client (I'm using Free Download Manger as a standalone Mac app on my laptop) is going to prevent me from getting any seeding points?
Free Download Manager (when I have it open) has shown me as seeding the one torrent I downloaded yesterday, and I kept it up and open while I was doing other stuff, but I see no indication that it showed anything as far as this site goes?
I'll make it a separate question once I look into it some more, but I am also guessing that the fact that I am a Mac user is going to make it a painful experience to attempt to upload torrents to maintain any kind of membership here?
if I am understanding the whole process in this forum/site correctly, my refusal to want to download, much less refusal to want to use a torrent client (I'm using Free Download Manger as a standalone Mac app on my laptop) is going to prevent me from getting any seeding points?
Somewhat untrue. The system rewards you 0.5 seedbonus point for every hour it registers your client seeding a torrent. So if you download a single torrent and just let it there seeding, you are being awarded 0.5 seedbonus per hour. If you download 5000 torrents and let them seeding, you'll still only get 0.5 seedbonus point per hour, as it's not based on how many torrents you are seeding.
Free Download Manager (when I have it open) has shown me as seeding the one torrent I downloaded yesterday, and I kept it up and open while I was doing other stuff, but I see no indication that it showed anything as far as this site goes?
I have absolute no idea what this whole sentence is trying to convey. Let me just put it this way: visit the gaytorrent home page and look at the header.
if the torrent you are seeding shows up in this page, then everything is working as intended. If you don't see it there, there's something wrong with your firewall settings. You will not punished in any way for using FDM as your torrent client.
I'll make it a separate question once I look into it some more, but I am also guessing that the fact that I am a Mac user is going to make it a painful experience to attempt to upload torrents to maintain any kind of membership here?
That's true. The site has an uploading tool but as of today it's only available for Windows. For creating your torrents on Mac you'd need a proper torrent client that allows you to create torrents. You cannot create torrents with FDM.
But to be really honest with you, you can maintain a proper ratio without uploading any torrent, you just need to be extra careful with what you download. Instead of only downloading what you want, you must also download torrents with high demand to boost your ratio.
Aside from uploading your own torrents, downloading freeleech torrents are the best way for improving your ratio as the downloaded amount will not be regarded by the system, but uploaded amount will. If you upload anything at all, that's a free ratio boost, and if you don't upload anything nothing will have changed, there is no downsides.
Regardind to seedbonus points, the best way to get them is by actually uploading good torrents. They're only useful for making torrents freeleech and for buying uploaded quota. If you come across a torrent with very few seeders you can ask a moderator to make it freeleech for you.
tl/dr: Using FDM is just fine, you can download/seed normally, you just don't get to have the useful features as modern torrent clients have. You can maintain a decent ratio without uploading torrents, you just need to be more careful.
@ianfontinell Thanks for the thoughtful and in-depth response.
I guess what I was trying to say is for having FDM up and being on the site, it did not appear as if I was getting a .5 per hour credit and I can't tell how the site is determining that stuff. But you are correct, I do show some bonus that isn't related to other things I have done to get bonus so it must be giving me some credit for seeding via FDM. I guess I'll have to figure out how to seed other torrents because I have a shit ton of porn on external drives and there's not much here that I really need to download unless it's something old or rare-ish.