Our IPs got changed!
I've not been able to log onto the site through my windows computer for a long time.
Can log on through my iPad but the computer has e IP got changed page.
I've rebooted my machine and also waited until the DNS changes apply…. I'm still waiting.
Is there a simple fix for this?
possibility is that you've modified your "hosts" entries from times were we had DNS issues and it was a quick fix. It was the case on one of my PCs.
To correct that with Windows Vista and 7:
1/ In the Start menu select Accessories > right click on Notepad and select to start as administrator
2/ In the Notepad select File > Open > navigate to C:/ > Windows > System32 > drivers > etc
3/ Select in Notepad to show all files bottom right instead .txt files only, open the hosts file you'll seeIf you see entries for gaytorrent.ru and gtru.net, just put an # sign in front of them or delete those line.
Save the file, which will only possible if you opened notepad with right mouse click as administrator as said upstairs.
ATTENTION: Do NOT touch any other entries, wrong manipulation may result in loosing internet navigation.
For Mac users, in the Terminal type:
sudo nano /private/etc/hosts
Then use the editor "nano" to change that file.
That worked. Thanks very much. Much appreciated.