What's the secret behind multiple cumshots?
Hey buddies! I'm not that high level experienced pal about sex things, so…
I would love to know how it's possible to cum so many times in a short amount of time. :blink:
I saw a couple of videos (listed below) and I really wanna know how to do the same.hxxp://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=4yEQT-C452-
hxxp://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=ybpom-C155-Is it some sort of natural talent or something achieved after training??
The answer to that question is dependent on a number of things, including your own body chemistry balancing, and the emotional and sexual chemistry between you and the person you're with. Depending on the person, it is possible for me to do such things, however it requires the right kind of connection with the person.
In short, it's mostly a matter of genetics, not training.
The answer to that question is dependent on a number of things, including….the emotional and sexual chemistry between you and the person you're with."
Or, as in the case of those three videos— the person you're not with.
I also thought it was genetic and well…. storage and production capability
For sure genetic.
I've heard supplementing with zinc can increase volume; I take it.
You can go from being a dribbler to being a major shooter. I did.
First, a daily intake of egg whites helps build your sperm production by supplying necessary proteins (you can eat whole eggs, but all those yolks are going to raise your cholesterol).
Nutritional supplements: zinc and L-arginine. Two a day, every day.
And last but most important, exercises your pelvic floor muscles all day long. Do sets and repetitions of quick flexes followed by flex-and-hold (for as long as you can). You can do this sitting at your desk at work/school or anywhere, really. And it's a very pleasurable work out
It'll also improve your sex life a ton.
I got told about this from an acquaintance who did gay porn for Helix studios. Apparently, it's a pretty widely used regime among porn stars.
And I'll tell you this, too–after doing this for a while, I noticed that I had some perceptible size increase of my penis, too. Nothing dramatic, mind you. I won't swear to you that it'll happen for you too, but I can see how improving blood flow to the area through all that PC muscle exercise could do that.
i used to be able to cum 3 times in a row, lots of exercise with your Prostate, eggs/protein, organic zinc tablets and exercising regularly to increase testosterone levels, i used to spend 1 hour edging before i came and when i went to see my ex i would just fuck till she wanted it out, but with men i get more satisfaction so its harder
learn not to shoot it out all at once, learn to edge and you can cum a bit at a time, it gets harder to cum on the 3rd try but the feeling is strong, 1st cum it will just dribble if you tense your muscle,
have a healthy diet and you will see a difference in production.
it's just more to clean-up anyway…lol
But it sure is fun to clean up. Tasty, too
Just did a Google search on pelvic floor exercises, got to know something very new, thanks
Interesting tips. THANKS! I will try this and report back on my experience. Any other nutritional advice ?
it's all about conditioning and refractory shortening…practice practice. strengthen your core muscles, pv muscles, and your arms...sometimes you have to jerk very hard to make the second or third happen.
The book Voluntary Ejaculation and Male Multiple Orgasms (2004) goes into detail about ways to shorten or eliminate the refractory period.