Is This Common??
Hey, so listen when I give blowjobs to some of the guys that hit me up on the dating app I use, a few minutes into sucking them off, my jaw and neck seem to get tired and I have to use my hand to stroke the cock and I feel like they don't like when I take my mouth off. So is this a common thing? If not, how do I get better at this? Please, serious answers only.
@Arago44 Honestly, it depends a lot on the dick. If it's thick, you are gonna get tired no matter what, we could even say it's proportional. If the size is just average you can just keep the mouth open, it's tiresome too but takes way more time until you feel it. If you need to push it too hard to make the dick fit, then you'll get tired fast, not much one can do about that.
It's also important considering what other tasks you're performing other than just having the dick inside your mouth. If you're the one actively going in and out, you can feel pain behind your neck and tongue.
In other words, it is absolutely normal
@ianfontinell Oh whew. Thanks for that. All this time I've been feeling like I wasn't sucking the cock right. If I'm not mistaking, all ya do is put your lips around it and go up and down? No actual sucking? Because I've been actually sucking the thing too which also makes my jaw sore. I try and get the guy involved by telling him to fuck my mouth. But it's like he doesn't really want to move his body.
@Arago44 Again, depends on who you're giving head to. Some guys like it more sucky, with some pressure to it. Some prefer it to be as soft as possible, just feeling the lips and tongue around their dick. In your case I just gotta say it's hard to please someone who don't say what they want and what they like.
@ianfontinell Your definitely right about this. Cause this one guy says to me that he wants me to slow down and do it slow. I also found out that some guys like a little teeth stroking the head of their penises too.