Where to find russian folk music/videos
Maybe someone can place some links to good torrent pages with russian folk music ?
You should try torrents.ru
mp3s are here: torrents.ru/forum/viewforum.php?f=1130
lossless is here: torrents.ru/forum/viewforum.php?f=1131But there are not only russian, but all East-European folk music, so you have to be careful.
Thank you a lot ! Found "Zolotoje kolco" DVDs and many more interested stuff
Still looking for Georgian ethnics dances videos β¦
I, too, could use some help on the same subjectβ¦. hopefully someone Russian can help me out. While i am just a lousy German, i have always been and am still interested in all sorts of music, which of course includes Russian.
Now a VERY long time ago a Russian friend gave me a cassette without label, so i have absolutely no idea how the name of the singer is written - my friend tough told me that he is dead since a while. His name was "Victor Zai" or "Victor Zeu" or very similar to that (as i said, no idea how to write it....) The music style was melancholic, trancey (not in a "techno" kind of way!) slow and veeeeery beautiful to listen to..... good for meditation etc.
Now i would EXTREMELY appreciate if someone could point me in a direction where i could find this music. As mp3 that is, as i now live in Thailand and there is no Russian music available here et all, no chance.
Another Russian band that i am seeking music of is "Kupe" (again no idea how to write it), the English pronounciation like "Coupe" and written in kyrill it looks like "KYnE". This dance music. I have a cassette from the year 1999 and by now it has deteriorated so much that it is almost impossible to listen to it. Again due to my inability to write the name correctly i never found any place to download any of their music.
Again, i would HIGHLY appreciate help on the matter, and if it is only by telling me how to correctly write the names of the singer/band so i can research it myself......
Many thanks in advance......
His name was "Victor Zai" or "Victor Zeu" or very similar to that (as i said, no idea how to write itβ¦.)
Most probably this is ?????? ??? and his band ????forum doesn't understand cyrilic, he-he
youtube.com/watch?v=TxZ2OllvS0M&feature=relatedThis is him?
Another Russian band that i am seeking music of is "Kupe" (again no idea how to write it), the English pronounciation like "Coupe" and written in kyrill it looks like "KYnE".
I have no idea what it can be.
Photo/scan of the poster? smth like this? -
That's him!! Oooh thank you so much!! How could i forget that yesterday, i KNEW that his name, if typed in western letters, looks like "BUKTOP YOU"β¦.. yaaaaaaa!!!! Now where can i find some mp3?
And how do i attach a picture here? I have scanned the cover of "Kupe".... but can't seem to attach anything here? And neither in PM......... ok, figured that out
http://tracker.gaytorrent.ru/bitbucket/Kupe cover.jpg
Thank you a MILLION for your help!! Extremely appreciated!!
your Thanh
<edit to="" add="">Damn it! You've gotten me the greatest "blast to the past" in the recent years.... i am currently listening to "Zvezda Po Imeni Solntse" and it's like zoooom - and 15 years back, me on the Zundapp KS 50 on the way to Zell/Mosel to visit my russian friend Alexander for a weekend, hanging out in the woods and smoking pot...... listening to this kind of music all day long!
You know certain types of music have an effect on me like certain kind of drugs have on others.... there's this cold shivering and the wish to pull the volume higher even tough it's max already...... Victor Tsoi does that for me, as well as certain classical Chinese stuff, i don't know, in a past life i must have been there and it all comes back when i listen to it now...... (funny thing is i never been to Russia or China...)
I found a couple torrents on Isohunt but they're one seeder only, the one i am listening too i ripped off YouTube
I love you for leading me in the right direction!!
your Thanh</edit>
Now where can i find some mp3?
Well, not exactly mp3.
I found a torrent that includes all albums, some concert records and bonuses lin APE (10 CDs)
torrents.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?t=40040I also found the whole discography in FLAC (25 CDs), it includes different versions of the songs, lots of concert records.
torrents.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?t=111348There is also a compilation of diff discs in mp3 256-320
torrents.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?t=454520You can also download a few videos.
I found 2 torrents but they are both dead.
But I think you can download their music from their official website (160 kbps):
kupe.lt/musik.html -
Again thank you sooooo much!! Sadly i can't use the links for Victor Tsoiβ¦.. for one i have no idea what is "FLAC" or "APE", but worst - the site wants me to login, and i can't read anything on it so i don't know how to sign up :..( There is no English version, it's Russian only.
I was already able to download a number of videos from YouTube at home before i left for work, and i will later extract the sound from those so i get those songs too. I am surprised to see Victor Tseu is kind of Asian? He looks almost Japanese or Korean to me. D you know something about that?
About Kupe, i have seen the site and yessss, there are downloadable mp3's. I will go into that when i am back at home (now at work and there's no loudspeaker or headphone on my workstation). I hope it's the same "Kupe" because the pictures suggest much older band members (see the right guy on the pic i posted... such a handsome guy!!)
With kind regards.......
your Thanh
for one i have no idea what is "FLAC" or "APE"
It's lossless music files - sound without compression, CD quality, very high bitrates.
You can burn them to the disc or convert them in mp3 if you want lower bitrates.
but worst - the site wants me to login, and i can't read anything on it so i don't know how to sign up
registration is open from 00:00 GMT to 11:00 GMT
(btw you can find high quality gay pron there too)
@ThanhBKK:I am surprised to see Victor Tseu is kind of Asian? He looks almost Japanese or Korean to me. D you know something about that?
As you can read in wikipedia his farher was Korean (and he has korean last name).
Hello dear
Hmm i must have overlooked that in the Wiki pageβ¦... but thank you very much for informing me
Regarding the "Kupe" i have some bad news... as i already expected, those "Kupe" are much different from what i am looking for. Those that you gave me the site is more classical or traditional music (i downloaded some and put on my phone to listen to them) while what i am looking for is electronic techno-dance kind of music. I have this one cassette which's cover i have scanned, but apart from that i have no idea about the band.
For torrent.ru, thanks a lot for providing the link
I went there but again all i see is a lot of writing in cyrill which i can't decipher.... but it says something about the time (i can read THAT) and apparently i am some 4 hours too late now. Shoot. So i'll have to try that tomorrow.
Maybe when i reach home i'll find the two torrents that i started in the morning to be completed.... i hope so, they have been small files (70-ish MB) but only one seeder on each. If not i'll just grab more of the YouTube videos for now.
your Thanh