How many TeraBytes perverted you are?
I started downloading and saving movies and scenes since 2009/2010 I really do not remember how many Terabytes I've stored. In the beginning I used 1TB HD then 2TB, 4TB, 6TB, 8TB and in the last 2 years I store the staff in 12TB HD
I'm a noob, I don't even have 100Gb
The title of this post with terabytes feels big to me -
@stam8 I’d start on YouTube, take a look at The nice thing about Synology is you get phone, chat and email support, it’s pretty good. Because you get support and specialized hardware Synology is the expensive option.
If you want something that will work and be less expensive you can use something Open Source (free!) that runs on a regular computer with attached drives. Take a look at -
TrueNAS -
Rockstor - -
@goodblowjob thank you so much
50 TB WD NAS, 12 TB WD MyBook, 10TB WD MyBook, and 5 TB Seagate One Touch.
Porn? That's an odd one because I have full-length films on my NAS and I've used 6TB so far. Then, I have a nice variation of single porn clips on one of the WD MyBooks and I think that's 2 TB? I will not delete anything with Boomer Banks, but I do delete full-length films that I no longer care for. However, if it's a retired porn star, I will always keep it. Yeah, I'm perverted, but I like to download music, television series, and movies, for the most part, to avoid paying for Apple TV+, Hulu, Paramount Plus, HBOMax, or Netflix subscriptions, lol!
3 TB and i think 4 TB would be more than enough, actually being strict and excluding hoarding 2 TB is enough