Account Warned Incorrectly
My account has been warned literal moments are donating € 20. I don't know the account that's linked to mine and has been warned - at all. Only similarity I see is they are in Australia.
Please can a moderator unlock my account? I've just paid for literally nothing, if I can't delete the other count before running reactivation script for this one.
Someone please help.
Your account says you have multiple accounts.
Please contact the Helpdesk so someone that specializes in this kind of thing can help you. m
@raphjd when i lived in a country my gps would sometiems say im in another city, this happened when using ''wifi only'' for location (like android 4?? or 5) .. newest android uses device+wifi ip address location to determin location-- maybe some mixup like this?
As our Forum Admin stated, write Helpdesk about this, only Mods can help you