Search engine special characters
{ } \ / ? | . , ' " ; < >
for example.. a search would not find the right hit if searching for:
one space, but multiple spaces entered
( instead of [ or { or <
' instead of "
; instead of :
& instead of + or and
_ instead of -
anyway.. my point is that special characters are arbitrary.. and confuse things. I would strip them all out of the databases, and strip them from all search queries
I recently had a disaster in which a search was done on s instead of 's A trailing s could also be considered a special character. -
Characters/symbols that are allowed and are very useful to avoid
copyright issues...
except [invalid character from renaming files are the ff: symbol
\ / : * ? " < >
One word/keyword search will narrow [filter] all files, except those files that has name w/ spaces like [S-P A _C.3:] are difficult to find...