24 people showed up to Biden's rally today! He came out of the basement.
It was so sad and pathetic. I won't post a link because then you'll just attack the source. You can look it up - I have faith in you! You can actually search for his speech today and see how many people were there for yourself
There might be something off about the polls. Hillary only had about a hundred attending her rallies close to the election. She had big stars perform but then people left when she spoke.
It reminded me of the two people that went to see Hillary's VP running mate in 2016… Was his name Cain? I don't remember. Edit: Yea, Tim Cain right? What a stupid choice. She blames misogyny and all this but she displayed terrible judgement by selecting that guy. Very dumb decision Hillary.
Biden's last rally he had 3 people, and 7 or so from the press.
Auntie Maxine had about 3 as well.
And how many does Trump get? Think about it. They're so active and protesting and rallying... accept when it comes to their party. There is no enthusiasm, whatsoever behind the democrats. It's SO obvious and the reason dems can't answer questions or talk or debate. Because they are embarrassed in a way that hurts their ego. They fucked themselves into a hole and have no one to blame but themselves.