Joe Biden Committed TREASON, period, that's a FACT
The evidence that the Obama administration overtly committed treason is blatant and UNDENIABLE (unlike Schiff claiming the evidence against Trump is overwhelming - yet never provides anything and he's the head of the intel committee. At this point it's obvious that the Dems only chose Biden because he literally did a Quid Pro Quo with Ukraine and it's the only way to make it look political if Trump dares investigate ACTUAL CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR. He's a disgusting person and an empty vessel and clearly has dementia. He can't remember where he is half the time, but he was deeply involved in spying on Trump's campaign, and I have issues with Trump, but I would NEVER vote for that piece of human filth. He's a pervert and videos of him are all over the place inappropriately molesting women. The idea that Liberals could vote for such a disgusting piece of trash is highly disturbing, and just FYI, to all you libs on here, the gay community isn't "owned" by Democrats. Neither is the black community. The evidence that they committed treason is in your face, but they act like angels. They're politicians! Quit being so naive. When Durham is done, hopefully we will see some justice against these traitors in the Democrat mob.