Greetings from the Pandemic Lock Down on the South West Coast USA
Greetings from a Pandemic Lock Down Resident over on the South West Coast of the USA
Welcome from the equally – perhaps even more -- locked down NYC.
Use your shelter-in-place time wisely, by which I mean, uploading and downloading porn. :crazy2:
Thank you. Any best practices for someone starting out?
To best summarize – there's a lot to learn, particularly if you're new (or even new-ish) to the "mathematics" behind a torrent site.
Ratio, ratio, ratio... read all about that soon. I know it's tempting to go on a downloading spree when first arrived. Certainly, keep your downloaded files "open for seeding" on your computer whenever possible. The first day of any new upload is always the most critical in attracting traffic, which leads back to... wait for it... RATIO!
Your current Ratio is a bit low, and your Upload speed indicates you may have a medium-to-slow connection -- but that can be overcome! Look for Freeleech torrents and jump on them ASAP -- they are all gain and no ratio pain. And upload any good porn you have that's not already on the site, by first checking via key words and the "Search" function.
Happy reading of the How-To Boards, then have fun!