Question for Staff: When torrents are approved ….
Hey Staff,
I have a question that I'm kind of curious about.
1. You manually approve torrents, correct?
2. When you approve torrents, do they appear in the torrent list in the order in which they were initially uploaded or in the order in which you approved?The reason why I ask is that I sometimes scroll a little further back than normal, and see torrents that I definitely didn't see the day before (and usually on the weekends, I check on both Saturday and Sunday). It always throws me off because I really enjoy collecting certain torrents and hate missing anything out of the wealth of treasures on GTRU :love:
Most torrents are auto uploaded.
There is no time frame when mod approval takes place since we are all unpaid volunteers.
Some stuff is "refreshed" from older stuff on the site. This just means its was at the back of the list of torrents and a mod moved it to the front.