Piers Morgan vs cancel culture
Piers Morgan co-hosts Good Morning Britain and about a month ago, he had a gay leftie on who insisted that the BBC is justified in teaching kids that there are 100 genders. Piers disagreed, so the fag went and started a petition to get Piers fired.
Piers Morgan has always supported trans people, but he sees the non sense in gender trenders.
Anyway, another petition was created to save Piers' job. As of yesterday, the SAVE PIERS side is winning by over 2 to 1.
The leftie fag was back on saying he's against cancel culture, ironically enough, since he was the one who started the petition to get Piers fired. He also said that you can be whatever you want to be, as long as Piers doesn't claim to be a "2 spirit penguin". This is also the same douche bag that supported Rachel Dozal and Shaun "Talcum X" King being trans-racial and people being trans-species.
Hey liberals, make up your f'ing minds.
What a PATHETIC life you must have! LOL!
I told you the last time, that that was your final warning.
You are forum police and use language like that. Something seriously wrong.
I hope you tell black people the same thing about using the "n" word.
I (and many others, as the thread on the topic shows) find the term "queer" offensive, but many people on this site use it. Shall I ban them?
EDIT: It's people like the leftie fag that makes gays look bad. He plays mental gymnastics to justify anything he agrees with, but when someone uses his own logic and claims against him, he gets butt hurt. He even argued with a real trans-person on what its like to be trans, despite he claimed to be a CIS gay man. He knows more about trans-people than actual trans-people.
"2 spirit" is one of the 100 genders on the BBC's list. He said the BBC is wrong because there are infinite genders. This idiot says you can be trans-species and trans-racial.
Piers must be fired for claiming that he's a "2 spirit penguin", but he's against "cancel culture".
Anyone who doesnt see how stupid all that is, is clearly a leftie.